
該主辦在過去三年中共舉辦了5場展會,在1600個主辦商中排名469名,過去三年展會面積8.07萬平米,在1600個主辦商中排名594名。區(qū)域品牌的展會有 1 個;過去三年沒有停辦展會;過去三年沒有延期舉辦的展會;

協(xié)會的主要任務是:在政府主管部門的指導下開展工作,在協(xié)會會員和政府之間發(fā)揮橋梁和紐帶作用,既 反映調味品行業(yè)的愿望和要求,為企業(yè)服務,又接受政府部門委托做好行業(yè)管理工作,推動調味品行業(yè)發(fā)展。
According to the principle of volunteerparticipation and equality and mutual benefit,China Condiment Industrial Association(CCIA) is consisted of the enterprises and institutions which manufacture and manage soysauce,vinegar,sauce,pickles,fermented bean curd,millet wine and so or.It is a national,nonprofited organization that is transregional,transdepartmental and with no ownership.And it is a nation first class association which has the qualification of legal person,The purpose of the CCIA is to improve the level of the management and technology of condiment industry.Its main task is to build a bridge between the government and the member of the CCIA.It can not only reflect the aspiration and demand of the condiment industry but also receive the commit of the government to work for the trades management and promote the condiment industry.

台江县| 岳池县| 辽阳县| 舞阳县| 宣城市| 寿宁县| 汉川市| 常德市| 留坝县| 平和县| 霍林郭勒市| 左权县| 定兴县| 宁海县| 砚山县| 缙云县| 洛川县| 鸡泽县| 新疆| 吉木乃县| 弥渡县| 县级市| 济南市| 郯城县| 江都市| 会东县| 安多县| 古田县| 石景山区| 如东县| 平定县| 南江县| 丰宁| 德保县| 泽州县| 宝鸡市| 彭山县| 共和县| 昌宁县| 准格尔旗| 开阳县|