



展會國家:中國 安順
Why to exhibit:

WATER SOFIA is the only one exhibition for Water and Water Management in B lgaria
Participating at WATER SOFIA provides an analysis of the market sit ation as well as an opport nity to penetrate new markets
WATER SOFIA provides an excellent b siness environment for meeting new clients and partners
Taking part in WATER SOFIA gives yo an opport nity for immediate feedback
Participating at WATER SOFIA will increase the visibility of yo r brand
Taking part in WATER SOFIA allows for comparison of yo r competitive environment
Participating at WATER SOFIA makes yo a part of the major companies which carry o t reforms in B lgarian water sector
WATER SOFIA provides its exhibitors an opport nity to exchange innovative sol tions, best practices and contrib te to the development of the sector in SEE E rope
WATER SOFIA performs BULAQUA conference organized by BWA
In the frames of the exhibition there will take place daily company presentations, seminars, demonstrations, disc ssions
WATER SOFIA enjoys an efficient media s pport providing endless opport nities for advertising the companies – participants
WATER SOFIA enjoys a wide visitor interest on behalf of man fact rers, ind stry representatives , distrib torsand retailers, constr ction companies, p blic and m nicipal a thorities, st dents and many others
Malicio s actions by improper companies
In relation to n mero s emerging signs of malicio s actions by third parties Inter Expo Center wo ld like to kindly inform o r clients and partners that all services, offered by the company, are listed in o r official website.
Inter Expo Center is not liable for any nfavorable conseq ences res lting from offered services beyond the ones we provide.
All Inter Expo Center’s contacts are available at o r official site. Sho ld yo have any do bts abo t the propriety of the company that have contacted yo , please address any of representative of o rs.
Beijing Lihang Int’l Exhibitioin Co., Ltd
Mobile:13910017248 (同微信)
QQ: 784293200


曲松县| 夏津县| 临泉县| 大关县| 平江县| 南部县| 西昌市| 枣阳市| 龙胜| 兴安县| 贺兰县| 永城市| 达州市| 新和县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 灵宝市| 长垣县| 墨脱县| 会宁县| 泰顺县| 杭锦后旗| 英山县| 义马市| 龙陵县| 绍兴县| 无锡市| 马边| 岱山县| 睢宁县| 曲阳县| 新龙县| 五峰| 定襄县| 西宁市| 岑巩县| 河间市| 张家川| 樟树市| 修武县| 吕梁市| 永胜县|